The Choco Arena, held in the pavillion B1, will host talks, demos, competitions and training sessions through which current and future scenarios of the chocolate sector will be presented. A place where companies and business operators will have the opportunity to explore exclusive content and discover in advance trends and secrets about the "food of the Gods".

The arena will host two important competitions:

  • Giovani Lievitisti a Confronto, Monday 22 January

Organized by the Accademia Maestri del Lievito Madre e del Panettone Italiano and Goloasi srl, the Colomba Artigianale Team Championship will challenge the members under 30 in the first edition of "Giovani Lievitisti a Confronto". This is an important opportunity for promotion to bring together young pastry chefs from all over Italy, who can make their creations known and appreciated at national level. The award will be given to the best artisan Colomba of the year in three categories: "Best Traditional Artisan Colomba", "Best Chocolate Artisan Colomba" and "Best Innovative Colomba".
The jury will be composed by the Accademia Maestri del Lievito Madre e del Panettone Italiano.

  • Italian Finale of Panettone World Cup, Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 January

Master pastry chefs from all over Italy meet at Sigep to compete and win the title of Italian Champion of Panettone World Cup. The event is organized by Maestro Giuseppe Piffaretti and there will be two categories of panettone: traditional and chocolate. 
This partnership between SIGEP and the Panettone World Cup inaugurates a joint international project, which will see both organizations work together to spread knowledge of Panettone around the world through training sessions, masterclasses, events and national selections. The Italian final will determine the pastry chefs who will have the honor of participating in the prestigious world final, scheduled in Milan from 8 to 10 November 2024.

The events are organized in partnership with: 

  • CNA Agroalimentare Nazionale
  • Consorzi IGP and DOP
  • FIC - Federazione Italiana Cuochi
  • IILA - Organizzazione Italo Latino Americano
  • International Institute of Chocolate Tasting