Carlo Meo - CEO of Marketing & Trade, consulting company on consumption behaviors, concepting and retail design

CEO of Marketing & Trade, consulting company on consumption behaviors, concepting and retail design

Carlo Meo is CEO of Marketing & Trade, consulting company on consumption behaviors, concepting and retail design, he founded in 1993 at the age of 27.He is one of the best experts on the international scale as far as consumption behaviors and points of sale are concerned.He fosters theories that are in total antithesis with the vulgarization and banalization of marketing regarding the centrality of the individual and his needs.He has been columnist for many specialized newspaper and author of books about marketing, food and design.

He is professor for the Food Experience Design and New Entertainment Design courses at the Poli.Design - Polytechnic of Milan.

He is professor for the Food Design Master course at the SPD - IULM university of Milan.

He is consultant for some of the most important magazines as far as the themes related to consumptions and consumers behaviors are concerned.

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  • 24 Jan

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