Giselle Canahuati  - IILA Socio-economic Secretary

IILA Socio-economic Secretary

Giselle Canahuati is an Industrial Engineer graduated from Texas A&M University in 1995. She has an MBA from the Libera Università degli Studi Sociali LUISS Guido Carli of Rome, obtained in 2002. She has 18 years of experience in the diplomatic and consular environment, first as Attaché (2004) of the Embassy of Honduras in Italy, in cooperation, tourism and commercial issues and as Counselor in consular affairs (2010) of the same Diplomatic Mission. In 2014 she was appointed Consul General of Honduras in Rome, where in addition to dealing with consular matters, she promoted trade and tourism with Honduras. She is currently the Socioeconomic Secretary of the Italo-Latin American International Organization IILA, where she is responsible for themes related to coffee, cocoa, agribusiness, sustainable tourism, circular economy and green cities, as well as gender equality.

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