Lorenzo Galanti - CEO & Managing Director - Italian Trade & Investment Agency (ITA/ICE)

CEO & Managing Director - Italian Trade & Investment Agency (ITA/ICE)

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  • 24 Jan

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24 JANUARY  |  13:30 - 14:15 Vision Plaza - South Hall

Partnership in the coffee supply chain: challenges, scenarios, and role of the Italian system.

organized by ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane


Lorenzo Galanti
CEO & Managing Director - Italian Trade & Investment Agency (ITA/ICE)
Marco Riccardo Rusconi
Director General - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
Anthony Muriithi
Agriculture Attaché - Embassy of Kenya to Italy
24 JANUARY  |  13:30 - 14:15 Vision Plaza - South Hall

Partnership in the coffee supply chain: challenges, scenarios, and role of the Italian system - With simultaneous translation into English

organized by ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane


Lorenzo Galanti
CEO & Managing Director - Italian Trade & Investment Agency (ITA/ICE)
Marco Riccardo Rusconi
Director General - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
Anthony Muriithi
Agriculture Attaché - Embassy of Kenya to Italy