Jacob Torreblanca

Jacob Torreblanca took his first steps in pastry with the guidance of his father, Paco. His style, which aims for perfection, is the result of the seven years he spent at the Academy of Fine Arts before returning to the bakery. Today, Jacob is in charge of the eponymous pastry shop based in Petrer, a large business developed with an online shop, and the Escuela Torreblanca, with locations in Alicante and Madrid. He has received many awards and recognitions, including the "Mejor Maestro Artesano Pastelero de España" award in Madrid in 2003 and a podium finish at the World Championship of Pastry in Rimini in 2004. He was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Power by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and is a Member of Relais Desserts. Jacob collaborates with pastry magazines and is a co-author of books that have received numerous awards.

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  • 21 Jan

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